About Me
My name's Puck, and I'm a huge mess.
I'm a full-time artist and furry living in Seattle. I'm agender, and my pronouns are they/them. I'm in my mid-30's, and an INFJ. I consider myself pansexual and poly.
Other than making art and terrorizing the fandom, I enjoy cooking, psychedelics, BDSM, chaos magick, casual gaming, and never leaving my home. I love weird creatures, bad weather, spicy food, and sad music. I also have a lot of weird kinks you can read about on my F-List if you're so compelled.
I'm neurodivergent, anxious, and have a fair bit of stuff I'm working through. I'm selective about the people I let into my life, and don't do much socializing beyond those few - it's nothing personal if we don't end up friends.

About my Art
I've been making art for my entire life, and I've been sharing my art online since 2007 - I recently changed my name from Slug to Oddbird.
I tend to be intrigued by the misunderstood. Life can be a strange and ugly thing at times, and I have found that looking not past that but directly into it can often reveal surprising beauty. I see the furry fandom as being a sort of celebration of divergence, and look for ways to help foster that acceptance within the darker crevices of the community.
Much of my art serves as a means of exploring and communicating feelings, thoughts, and experiences I can't otherwise articulate. A lot of my content is quite dark or strange, and understandably pretty distasteful to most. While I get a lot of criticism and harassment for my work - please understand that I in no way condone the real-life counterpart of any of the dangerous or immoral content I depict.
My primary goal in sharing the things I make is to provide a safe and ethical means of exploring one's taboo fantasies. I believe that doing so within a healthy and supportive context can be a meaningful tool in understanding oneself and others. I also believe it can, in some cases, provide a very real means of working through trauma, and coping with life's innumerable challenges.
For instance - many who enjoy nonconsent as a kink have themselves been victims of sexual abuse, and the kink is helpful in working through the resulting trauma. Many trans people begin exploring their gender within a sexual context, and this can be an invaluable tool for understanding oneself in this regard. Many diaper fetishists have a medical condition which requires them to wear a diaper, and the kink can be helpful in coping with this difficult reality.
These are just a few reasons I hesitate to immediately jump to conclusions, and why I feel it's important to not demonize any kink when explored within a safe and consensual fantasy context. While not all kinks are rooted in trauma, I also feel as though treating sex as a taboo does a lot of harm, and strive to push against that in what small ways I can. Personally, I only don't condone that which brings real suffering to others.
Whether you just enjoy my art because it's hot, or feel it's helped you explore something deeper, I'm happy to have made something you enjoy. And if you don't like my art, I'm not sure why you're here. This is a terrible place for you to be.