When I'm open for commissions, I will post an announcement to FA and Discord with a link to an order form, which you can fill out to request a slot. Slots are not first-come-first-served - I prefer to choose my clients.
I no longer have a proper price sheet, as I prefer to adjust my options and pricing from opening to opening. Prices range from $100 - $500 with most full-color pieces ending up around $200. I generally prefer to avoid overly complex projects and would prefer to keep things as finite as possible - I have my own projects which are plenty time consuming.
For most commissions, you will receive at least one WiP before completion. At this point you'll get to give feedback on the piece before I continue, and request any changes required.
Please do us both a favor read my ToS below before commissioning me.

Terms of Service
You must be 18 years of age or older to commission me, even if commissioning SFW art.
Kindly note that I am not open unless I've posted an announcement to FA. Follow me there to catch commission slots - please don't email me. There will be a form posted at this time, which you can fill out to order a commission. Please note that commissions are in high demand, and I am not able to work with everyone.
I am comfy drawing almost any kink as long as everything involved is within the realm of fantasy. However, there are themes I enjoy more than others - here is my F-List for reference. If you're not sure, please feel free to ask - you won't be judged for your kinks (or lack thereof).
All prices are USD. I require full payment up front unless otherwise noted. I may consider payment plans for large amounts (generally $300+), particularly if we've worked together before. You will be sent an invoice through PayPal - you do not need an account to pay your invoice. I am not interested in mailed cash, gift cards, trades, trinkets, or photos of your junk. Tips are not expected, but are very appreciated. You will be given the option to tip when you pay your invoice.
I work strictly through e-mail unless otherwise noted; I will not discuss a commission via Telegram, Discord, or DMs. I do not stream my commission work. Please don't contact me with small-talk or anything not related to commissions.
I don't require a full ref sheet to work from. I can use most images or even a description, but please be sure what you provide reflects your preferences. Please inform me of any details you'd like omitted or shown - before I begin on the piece, please.
For auctions, payment is due within 48 hours of the end of the auction unless otherwise noted or discussed. Please do not hide your bids in auctions; this makes it hard for the auction to run properly, as others may not notice the retracted bid, and previous bidders may no longer be interested. Life happens, but I will block you after repeated offenses. Please don't bid unless you're able to pay.
Any adoptable is yours to do with as you please, as long as you don't edit the art or claim it as your own design. You may trade or sell without price restrictions.
For group YCHs, it is especially appreciated that you get back to me in a reasonable amount of time if you want revisions made, and to keep revisions minimal. If I don't hear from you in a couple days, I will continue with the piece as to not keep everyone waiting.
Turn-Around Time
Most pieces are completed within 1-4 weeks, and you will usually receive an update within a few days of payment. However, I am very human, and occasionally work slower (or faster) than anticipated, and sometimes prioritize in ways that will keep my workflow going. I may still be working on it even as I take on new work, particularly if it is complex or experimental. While I am not one to neglect my work or forget clients, I encourage you to check in as you desire. I will respond ASAP.
Unless otherwise noted, I will send one or more work-in-progress updates throughout the course of a commission. As I strive to keep my queue moving, it is very appreciated that you respond within a couple days so that I can continue.
Artwork is not to be posted or used in any way until paid for in full. Once it is paid for, you do not need my permission to post. You may also share WiP sketches if the piece has been paid for. When posting, please credit me as the artist.
Other Usage
You are free to use your finished art in whatever non-commercial endeavors you like. Please provide credit when appropriate.
You have the option of requesting your commission be posted publicly, be posted anonymously, be attributed to an alt account, or remain unposted. There is no extra charge for any option, and this doesn't affect your chances of being selected. That all said, please let me know up front - don't wait until I post and then email me in a panic.
I am willing to make reasonable revisions, so don't hesitate to ask if something looks off. I only charge for revisions if they're significant or exceedingly numerous. That said, if we are unable to get what you're looking for after a few tries, I may offer a refund and cancellation in the interest of sanity.
I strive to be patient and polite, and would appreciate the same from my clients. I do not demand perfect manners, but I will not hesitate to terminate a project if you are rude, pushy, bigoted, stalkerish, or otherwise intolerable.
Surprise Gifts
Oftentimes I will be asked to illustrate something of an adult nature for a friend or partner of the client, and will be asked to keep it a surprise until completion. If I can't find evidence that they know you and would appreciate such a gesture, I may request that they contact me first to give explicit consent.
My Characters & Settings
I don't mind using my OC in a commission, even if we don't know one another. That being said, the subject matter must suit my tastes. My F-List is here. I am also willing to draw City of Nodd-related scenes, if the idea is relevant enough to the lore.
Inspiration vs. Copying
Sometimes I will be asked to draw an idea or design a character that is similar in some ways to someone else's personal character. I have no interest in copying concepts or personal character designs, and will simply do my best to capture a desired attribute or feel, with the goal of creating something you enjoy, but that is distinct from the source of inspiration.
Refunds are given completely on a case-by-case basis. In most sincere and reasonable cases, I will be willing to refund you as requested. Rights surrounding any artwork made prior to the refund will be discussed. The more finished a piece is, the less likely I am to consider a refund, so please speak up sooner than later.